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Pacific Crest Trail marker along the trail in the Southern California desert

Pacific Crest Trail Journal

It wasn't long after my first backpacking trip in 2016 that I heard about the Pacific Crest Trail. The PCT is a 2,650 mile long hiking trail that runs from Mexico to Canada through three states: California, Oregon, and Washington. Internet searches for the "best backpacking trails in California" pretty quickly brought me to PCT About pages and Blogs. Weekend trips out in the Sierra Nevada revealed PCT trail markers. Cheryl Strayed's trauma healing journey on the PCT showed me images of the trail on the big screen.


I was hooked. But I didn't just want to hike parts of it. I wanted to thru hike the Pacific Crest Trail all the way from Mexico to Canada. Weekend trips were great, but they didn't feel long enough to completely let go of my city life and embrace life on trail. I wanted a full wilderness immersion experience. A 2,650 mile trail that takes 4-6 months to complete seemed like the perfect way to achieve this goal.


For the next several years I collected information about the PCT. I read books and trail guides, researched gear, and obsessively bought anything that had a PCT logo on it. In the Fall of 2019, I took pause. I looked around at my collection and I asked my best friend, and at the time roommate, "Do I have too much PCT paraphernalia for not having hiked the PCT?"

She hesitantly, but simply, replied "Yes."


That was it, I thought. I'm doing it 2021. No matter what, I'm doing it. I didn't want this dream to remain just that. I had to turn it into a reality. I'd give myself a full year to prepare and earn a bit more money. Of course in retrospect, I am glad I hadn't made up my mind to finally hike the trail for 2020. I met so many hikers who had been "2020 Hopefuls" - hikers who had to postpone their dream hikes as people were asked to stay off the trail during the early covid-19 turmoil and confusion. For me, the 2020 covid lockdowns and stay-at-home mandates allowed me more time to really buckle down with my research in preparation for my 2021 hike. I also, blessedly, still had a job and was able to save money over the next year and a half for my hike.







In April 2021, I quit my job, moved out of my apartment, and stored all of my earthly belongings in my mom's attic. My best friend (the same one) drove me down to the Southern Terminus of the Pacific Crest Trail, just outside of Campo, California. On April 11, 2021, I started my northbound hike of the 2,650 mile Pacific Crest Trail. Beginning at the border of California and Mexico, I hiked along the Southern California mountain ranges, the Sierra Nevada range, and the Cascade range to finish at the border of Washington and Canada. I passed through some of the most stunning scenery that the United States has to offer.


It was a life-changing adventure filled with expected and unexpected challenges, life lessons, and new friends. Begin reading my PCT Journal here.


Also, see How I Prepared for My First Long-Distance Hike and my 2021 PCT Gear List.






A very happy "Songbird" just outside of South Lake Tahoe

  • Preparing for the hike
    Songbird's PCT Gear List Itinerary and Resupply Boxes
  • Southern California
    Day 1 Starting at the Southern Terminus miles 0 - 11.4 Lake Morena to Mt. Laguna miles 11.4 - 41.5 Julian, California, Best Town in the World miles 41.5 - 77.3 Trail Trials miles 77.3 - 151.8 Apache Peak and Rest Days in Idyllwild miles 151.8 - 179.4 Snowy Peaks, Desert Valleys, and Lost Trails miles 179.4 - 266.1 Hot Springs Horrors miles 266.1 - 369.3 Ostriches, Movie Sets, and Aqueducts miles 415.1 - 541.5 The Start of the Sierra, Tehachapi to Kennedy Meadows miles 541.5 - 702.2
  • Sierra Nevada
  • Northern California
  • Oregon
  • Washington
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